Monday, November 07, 2005

Week beginning 31st October

The week started with a concentration on practical issues. On Monday I finally got to visit the X-centre and had a look round at the space and the equipment etc that would be available for the installation. It all looks very promising. Also on Monday I had a phone call from BBC Devon regarding their online coverage of the event ā€“ by Monday evening the web page was complete and hopefully this will attract the attention of more people.

The music has continued to develop ā€“ but there is still more to be done although by the end of the week I have an almost finished version. This means that I have failed to meet the target of 4th November but the work is close to completion and should be ready by the end of next week (still in plenty of time!)

On Friday 4th I, along with the other award winners went to the Guildhall to be presented with our cheques by the Mayor. I was also asked to make a short acceptance speech on behalf of all the award winners which went ok.

Iā€™m entering the last few stages now and there is still a fair amount to do. The main part of the installation (the music and video) is almost complete but there is still a lot more work to be done on publicity and the other elements of the installation (text, pictures etc).


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