Sunday, September 18, 2005


Once the technical issues were solved and I was certain that I could achieve the results I wanted I set about looking for a location to film from. In the meantime I started a smaller project, this project involved me visiting the Princesshay site every evening for the period of 10 days between the hours of 6 and 7 pm and taking a photograph through each of the viewing windows on the hoardings. The results of this can be seen on the photographs pages of my full website – on a couple of occasions my camera batteries failed which is why on two of the days there are fewer shots than on the others (also on the first day I completely missed one of the windows!)

Still searching for a location I contacted the Princesshay information centre again as well as John Harvey the city centre manager and John Mortimer the secretary of the city centre consortium in the hope that they could offer advice. Sue Gater at the Princesshay Information centre did get in touch and I met and talked to her but the view from the window overlooking the site did not give me the aspect I had hoped for.

Whilst continuing to take still pictures in the evenings it struck me that a good vantage point would be from the premises in Paris Street and in particular those at the top end that overlooked the area of the site where the clearing up operation was taking place. So I contacted a number of the businesses in those premises and Sofa Workshop gave me permission to use the top floor of their shop. The view from there can be divided into a number of areas – in the foreground is the road and the pavement, behind that the earthmovers and diggers, behind that the archaeologists, behind that the new development under construction and finally the Cathedral in the distance (there is a still shot of this view on this web page).